I only went out to buy ammunition and ended up buying another rifle...
It's not as bad as it sounds - I have a set collection in mind that I want to build up (I am 3 short now - but one is arriving for Chris at Christmas - The .357 Magnum Marlin Underlever).
I now just need a genuine Russian Nagant PU/PE sniper rifle (as in "Enemy at the Gate")...and maybe a Ruger 10/22 for a bit of fun.
These are not "just guns", these are little bits of history (apart from the bottom two - those are very accurate competition target rifles).
Top to bottom:
Lee Enfield No.4 Mk2F in 7.62x51 NATO/.308. Regulated by Fultons. Heavy barrel.
Lee Enfield 1917 No.1 MkIII/III* cross over in .303. Regulated by Fultons.
Mosin Nagant M44 in 7.62x54r.
Anschutz 1813 Supermatch target rifle in .22.
Anschutz 1913/2213 Supermatch rifle in .22.
Now some people might think that it is wrong for us to have guns in a house with a baby. This isn't the gun totting "yee-hah" USA though - and these guns are kept very secure.
UK law means that certain parts of a gun have to be locked seperately from other [arts, and that ammunition is also kept seperate. There are specifications of gun safes that must be used, and you must have a license to buy/own and buy guns and ammunition. It's not just a case of keeping them under the bed.
As for shooting them - the UK is again, very regulated. You can't just go out and shoot them in a field - it has to be a home office approved club, and you must be a member of a home office approved club.
So quite strict really. Banning guns won't solve anything, but a better education regarding firearms will go a long way.
If you want to ban guns for killing people, you'd better ban McDonalds for making people fat.
More non-smoker people die from passive smoking in a day than have been killed (in the UK) in the last 20 years by guns (and that includes accidental death by guns and any mass murders).
Get educated before you go around saying that "guns kill people and should be banned!". A pencil, bread knife, brick, hammer....these will also kill people....oh no, hang on - It's the person USING the tool that kills people.....see the subtle difference?
Think about how a gun could kill someone the next time you are talking on your mobile phone in the car (35 in a 30 zone, but hey - it's only a little over the limit...), whilst changing radio stations....and not seeing the child/car that has just moved out in front of you....Yes - you are several hundred thousand times more likely to kill than someone with a gun...
Our Prime Minister - He's anti-gun....but only as a vote winner....Old Tony used to be a target shooter himself. Funny that.
Grrrrr....must calm down! Luckily I am a calm person (or the Doctors would never have signed me off to the Police to allow me my firearms certificate...YES! more checks!)....and yes, there have been a few slip ups in the law that have ended in tradgedy, but that was because the law wasn't being followed....a bit like the 35 in a 30 zone...or dropping litter...talking on a mobile in your car...If the law is broken, it doesn't have to be a gun that ends up killing someone.
Hey! I guess you can guess one of my "hot buttons" now!