Finally the WW1 1917 Lee Enfield crossover No.1 MkIII(*) has passed it's tests and has become MY WW1 1917 Lee Enfield crossover No.1 MkIII(*).
This is my Christmas present from Chris and Alex. I've wanted one of these for a long time now, and the recent open day shoots at the NRA just added to that desire.
If you've ever shot one, then you'll understand - if not, then I'll try to explain. It is a piece of history, and this one saw trench action. When you bring this gun up to aim and fire, you feel very insignificant, as the history envelops you. It is a humbling experience and not a "let's go shoot stuff and pretend we are soldiers" type rubbish.
Guns kill, and this one is more than likely to have some blood in its history. Just holding this makes me think of all of the people who gave their lives, and still give their lives for peace - but the First World War and its bloody battles are bought that little bit closer when you fire an Enfield No.1 MkIII.
It's not so much "Yee Haw!!!!" as it is "Bloody Hell, what were they thinking..?"