I've had a few days off of work this week as I have been feeling rougher than industrial grade sandpaper. My nose is now leaking worse than a New Orleans levi, and my head is fuzzier than a 2 penny chew found stuck behind the sofa....
Any way, to get some fresh air to try clear my head, we went for a walk (that is Chris, Alex and me). The lake was the obvious destination, so armed with stale bread we went off to feed the geese.
Click on the above photo and check out "The Lake" set of photos.
My head was less fuzzy by the end of the stroll, but a day later and I still feel like poop. I think I've cleared the major chunk of it, so now I am recovering and starting to feel a bit better.
Another stroll with Alex and Chris today should help a bit more - hopefully enough to face work tomorrow - A backlog of work on my mind isn't going to help!
It annoys me when individuals do the old "I may have the flu, but I can still work" thing. They have no respect for others. I suffered from some pretty serious illness a few years back, and that made me pick up whatever was around very easily. I still suffer today, so I don't take kindly to these people who bring illness into the workplace. Heros? -NO, idiots, YES.
Even worse are companies that stop sick leave because individuals have ruined it for everyone else by milking the system. In this day and age there are not many people who can take unpaid leave or SSP leave when they are ill, which basically forces them to work through an illness (and spread it). My mate has been going to work with the flu for the last week - God knows how many people have it now! How does that help anyone? He has no choice in the matter.
I work in aviation, and with a fuzzy cold remedy influenced head, I don't want to think what mistakes I could make if I went in. Like I said, it doesn't make you a hero, it makes you an idiot.