It's inevitable that I'll keep thinning up top, so I may as well do it in one quick go for charity.
Help a London Child (HALC) was founded in 1975 by Lord Attenborough CBE, as Capital 95.8's charity to assist and give opportunities to thousands of London’s children and young people experiencing abuse, homelessness, disability, poverty and illness.
Over the last 30 years the charity has raised in excess of £20 million and awarded that amount to over 10,000 small groups across the Capital, directly helping over 1 million children.
Charity Registration No 1091657
So why the picture of me and Alex at the Airshow? Well...why not?
I'm blessed with such a wonderful son, and I hope to give him all the opportunities that I can - and there are a lot of kids out there who will never get those same opportunities, so I'm doing my bit for them too.