After I returned from the MACH08 show at the NEC I had to get an MRI scan due to issues with my hands.
Opposite the hospital there is a playing field, so I drove to the hospital with Chris and Alex so he could have a run about whilst I was scanned.
Several things became apparent during the scan:
Being in an MRI machine is weird. If you are claustrophobic, then it's not going to be a great place to be. You are slid up into a tight fitting tube and have to lay there for about 15 minutes. It is lit inside so appears to be bright white. It has a silver line painted along the centre of the inside top of the tube which was only a few inches from my nose....too near to focus, so keeping my eyes open was not great as they kept trying to focus but blurring...In the end I just stared through the line....
Besides the close fitting tube the other major thing you notice inside is the sounds like a bad sound track from a 70's sci-fi movie! BAM....BAM...BAM....BAM...BAM....bzzzzzzzzz... ..BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM......bzzzzz .. BADUM.......BADUM.....BADUM.....BADUM...... Flash? we only have 10 minutes to save the World....
Finally......any metal you might have on you vibrates.....Quite odd.
I don't know what the results are yet, but I have an urge to take the space rocket Ajax for a flight....
After the scan I went over to the field to play with Alex and Chris. Alex has taken to running everywhere at top speed - which I find quite funny because his hair has yet to be cut, and as such it bounces in a Farrah Fawcett style....oh dear...more reference to the 70's and bad films!