Thursday, 30 August 2007
10:30 - Outta ma way!
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
23:46 - First shoot
23:32 - The end of the season
15:53 - Range day
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
20:36 - Wheeeee!
Friday, 17 August 2007
12:51 - Crayons
10:36 - Spider
Thursday, 16 August 2007
09:47 - Alex finds these novelty glasses really fun
Alex finds these novelty glasses really, originally uploaded by Pinwingirl.
I left these on the side and Alex decided to put them on to look like Dad......He does like to play with them, taking them on and off. Chris put them on and they sat a little bit down on her nose...which Alex didn't think was right, so he pushed them up for her!
Sunday, 12 August 2007
19:45 - Puppy
18:55 - PBSR-01
13:39 - 2nd attempt...
2nd attempt..., originally uploaded by L.B.
This is the on-going "Project Budget Sniper Rifle" (PBSR-01 if I were to give it a typical sounding designation!!!). I've had a few ups and downs with it, but finally it's starting to come together as I wanted it to. There's life in the old worn out Enfield No.4 yet....
Saturday, 11 August 2007
11:55 - Little Frog
11:51 - Sponge Bob / Maggie Simpson. seperated at birth?
Sponge Bob / Maggie Simpson. seperated a, originally uploaded by L.B.
I saw this on TV the other day and had to question if the Sponge Bob creators had seen this Simpons episode and then subconsciously come up with Sponge Bob Square Pants......
Friday, 10 August 2007
15:41 - The project continues...
Monday, 6 August 2007
16:47 - Ben and Alex
Saturday, 4 August 2007
00:08 - Home....
DSC00410, originally uploaded by L.B.
This is the fantastic view that greets me if I get home at a certain time. Sunset behind trees. Fantastic.
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
00:26 - More ties
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