Ha! Weeeeee! A first. 2x100's in a row!
A ton is a hard thing to achieve. Some shooters never even get one, and my last....and only ton was shot in February 2005. Tonight I started with a poor 96, but then sorted my head out and shot a 100....and a very tidy one at that.
Trying to keep myself together after finally getting my second ton was going to be tough! I thought I'd get a low follow up score, but kept telling myself that if I can shoot through the bull once....and then ten times in a row, then surely shooting ten more times in a row must be possible! So I took each shot at a time - as an individual, and although it wasn't the tidiest ton I did manage to pull a second one out of the bag!!! I am thrilled to bits!!!!
A bit like buses - you wait ages for one to come along, and then two turn up at once!!!