Fingers crossed...if it passes certain tests, this Lee Enfield from WW1 will soon be mine.
For those that know - this is a No.1 MkIII* - although it was built as a III. It was directly upgraded to a III*. It still has the cut off from the III, but has the fore end and sights from the III*.
It is a Christmas present from Chris and Alex. Due to paperwork etc, it was a case of getting it now or never. I've been after a good condition, yet historic and used SMLE for quite some time. This one came up at Fultons of Bisley, and has had the Fultons target bedding carried out. This means it shoots more accurately, yet remains the 1917 rifle that it is. It also means that it has the Fultons promise of quality (or they said they'll make it work!).
For Chris, well...she didn't like having to stop shooting when she was pregnant, so as we plan to expand the family at some point, I am buying here (and it is already on order) a Marlin .357 Magnum chambered underlever rifle. It is light weight and can be used in the standing or sitting position.