We were all at Bisley on Sunday (13/08/06) as Lucas was taking part in the Eley final. This was Alexs' first time at Bisley and thanks to the bumpy field and awful weather, he spent most of the time asleep.
It was a bit brisk out there as the event is held on an open field, so there was no shelter from the wind. It was a good excuse to dress Alex in some of the cute clothes he has but it's been too hot for him to wear.
Under his coat he wore a little shirt with palm trees on and he looked like something out of Magnum PI (80's program that Lucas likes).
The picture from inside the car shows the flooded road on the way home. It was a bit of a scary journey but thanks to Lucas and his great driving we were all fine. The water must have reached a foot or so in places!
It was a nice day but sadly spolit by the weather. I was looking forward to putting a towel on the grass and sitting with Alex but it was far too wet.
Shame, but then there's always next year!
Alex has been on solids for almost a week now and he thought he'd give it a try. The spoon is such a pretty colour!!!
Bless him, he's starting to make little chewing motions and opens his little mouth wide for more, although we still manage to get covered in the process!
These are before and after pictures. I think he quite looks forward to his breakfast a little more than he used to (if that's possible).
Alex seems rather pleased with his new aeroplane bouncer.
It's been quite hard to catch his many smiles and laughs on camera because everytime you get a camera out he just stares at it! But this time he was occupied with other things.
This is a great bouncer as the back goes up all the way to the bottom of his little head. It's fully adjustable and super cute.
I can't believe how tall he is now and how well he holds his little head up.
This is Alex in his new temporary travel cot. He had gotten far too big for the moses basket and we didn't want (or have the space) to put up his lovely wooden cot bed.
He now has loads of space to thrash around in and he makes full use of it. Unfortunately Mr Elephant generally gets the brunt of it, but I don't think he minds!
Alex also does a great impression of his daddy (as shown above). It's so sweet how much he looks like his dad. Even when he was only a few moments old you could see the resemblance.
Alex is really getting the hang of hand eye co-ordination and makes full use of this at every occasion. Poor old Trouble got a fist in his face yesterday although he didn't seem too bothered so it can't of been hard.
Alex will be exactly 3 months old tomorrow, the same day as his gorgeous cousin Ben will be 1 year old. It's Ben's birthday party on Sunday and it's hard to believe there is only 9 months between them.
Daddy is hard at work at his new job doing stacks of overtime so Alex and myself are missing him loads. Hopefully the move will happen in a couple of weeks (touch wood) which will mean at least 3 hours knocked off of the work day.
We have just bought an aeroplane door bouncer for him so watch this space for some cute pictures of that in action.