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Sometime Space

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This blog is for my kid(s?). So if they want to, they can look back on what it was like "back then"...

Enjoy, & feel free to leave your comments. L & C Black 2k6.

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Sunday 23 July 2006

18:37 - Farnborough Airshow 2006

F2k6.Typhoon Wet 3, originally uploaded by L.B.

I paid my bi-annual trip to the Farnborough Airshow on Saturday. It is something i have never missed - I always used to go with my Dad, and hope to take Alex when he is old enough.

A wonderful day with great weather.....soon turned into a down pour with lightning!!! Luckily Eddie and myself had waterproof gear with us.....which a lot of other people didn't.....Imagine, a run of days over 33 degrees....and that's what most people thought this day would be!

Ah well...The show continued anyway. A lot of the same stuff but being pushed a little harder....and then some new sights...

The new A380...HUGE...and along with the A340-600 it put on a superb display, carrying out moves that would seem impossible in such huge aircraft...and definately impossible 10 years ago! The 'new' V22 Osprey....quite cool(ish), the Eurofighter Typhoon...superb.....BUT....enter the old MiG29 with a few added tricks.....

The MiG has turned the phrase "turning on a six pence" into something that a jet fighter can actually do. It can actually fly in a straight line, then flip nose to tail to nose on the spot...then carry on....It has to be seen...It was the show stealer by a long shot.

On to the end of the show...The Glider.....oh wow....how boring was this going to be?

Not boring at all...almost level pegging with the MiG....YES!
Whilst being towed to altitude by a stunt plane, the glider and stunt plane, still linked up, carried out a series of rolls and high angled turns! Once they split the glider then carried out a series of stunts that I have only seen a propelled stunt plane perform before....I don't know how the pilot managed moves that usually require engine toque to pull off, but he did. Pulling off several perfect Lomcevak moves! He then carried out low altitude turns and rolls when any sane person would be looking for somewhere to land.....

As he headed down the strip to land he pulled the nose of his glider up when only a few feet from the ground......up into a steep 180 turn...wing tip almost on the deck.....and then he flew the whole length of the airstrip wobbling his wings left and right...inches from the ground...all the way back to his glider trailer! Eddie and I were very impressed...Very.

Meanwhile Alex was at home with Chris....
He's starting to laugh out loud properly now, and is rolling onto his sides. On top of this, he is taking serious interest in toys. Watching him grow up is such a wonderful experience.

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